Team spirit is the blood of a successful team building. Team spirit has the function of uniting team members, and the goals and ideals of the team connect the team members together. Team spirit can not only stimulate the ability of individuals, but also motivate others in the team, encouraging all members of the team to realize their potential, explore and innovate. For the creation of learning organization, the influence of teamwork is profound.

Building a good management team should do the following:

(1) Set a goal. Common goals and common expectations are the primary conditions for forming a team, and are also an important way to achieve employee loyalty to a team and an organization. An imaginative goal is the cornerstone of a team's success, and the goal also makes the team have the value of existence. Therefore, it is necessary to have clear guidance, scientific and reasonable goals such as entering the world's top 500, becoming the world's excellent medical enterprises, etc., so that all members in the identification of the goal to gather together, form a strong team, solidarity and cooperation, and strive to achieve a common goal.

(2) Establish the idea of everyone, everyone for everyone. Within the organization, the relationship between departments, between the upper and lower levels, and between the front and back roads is the link between the supply chain, which can only be completed successfully through mutual cooperation and teamwork. A good enterprise, a good department is often through its own adjustment to reduce the friction problem to a low point. To avoid taking the attitude of "kicking the ball" and "guarding the goal" for some problems at the border, we should understand the general situation, take into account the overall situation, try to solve it in our own department, and create good working conditions for other departments, upper and lower levels, and upper and lower processes.

(3) Establish active service thoughts. The role of the team is to complement each other, in daily work, many things can not be perfect, and some easily ignored places are often very critical, which requires us to carry forward the team spirit, take the initiative to provide quality services for other departments, and do our best to help others solve problems, so that all aspects of the organization are the first step.

(4) Enhance the influence of leaders themselves. The leader is the core of the team. As a leader, you should understand and understand the psychology of team members, respect their requirements, use the "service management mentality" rather than the supervision and control mentality, and influence and guide team members to complete the organizational goals according to the established direction through your organizational coordination ability and popular charm. Leaders should pay attention to listening to different voices, accept different opinions and viewpoints, pay attention to and think about them, seek common ground while reserving differences, retain different ideas, and make good use of the joint force of the team. This is not only conducive to preventing decision-making risks, but also win the respect of subordinates. The leader also guides the team members to align their personal goals with the organization's goals, because only when the goals and career path of an individual are highly aligned with the organizational goals of the team can an individual strive for life.

(5) Establish a systematic and scientific management system to institutionalize, standardize and program management work and human behavior to ensure coordinated, orderly and efficient operation.

(6) Frequent communication and coordination. Communication is mainly through the exchange of information and ideas to achieve cognitive consistency, coordination is to achieve the consistency of action, both of which are necessary conditions for the formation of a collective. There is a causal relationship between management communication and the development of team spirit, and good communication is based on mutual understanding and understanding between the two sides. Therefore, we should know more about and understand the communication object, actively promote our own ideas to others, carefully listen to the opinions and ideas of others that are different from our own, and seek common ground while shelving differences with "win-win" communication methods. Achieve good communication purposes.

(7) Strengthen incentives and form a community of interests. Motivation can stimulate people's motivation, make their inner desire for success, and constantly strive towards the desired goal. There are many ways to motivate employees, such as providing employees with a challenging job, providing employees with opportunities to learn new skills, and ensuring that employees are provided with appropriate working conditions. In addition, listening carefully to employees can also motivate employees. Standards for promotion and promotion are also one of the best ways to motivate employees. But promotions based on seniority alone do not encourage employees to strive for excellence; they encourage a wait-and-see attitude. It is necessary to develop a set of internal promotion standards based on work performance to motivate employees to contribute more.

(8) Guide all employees to participate in management. It is necessary to let employees understand the development goals of the organization and attract every employee to directly participate in various management activities, so that all employees can not only contribute labor, but also contribute wisdom, and directly serve the development of the organization. Team spirit is inseparable from the team, and the development of the team is the cornerstone of team spirit.
