The ubiquitous power iot grid has expanded into an energy Internet ecosystem of co-construction, co-governance and sharing


A few days ago, the State Grid Co., Ltd. fully deployed the construction of the ubiquitous power Internet of Things, announced the "ubiquitous power Internet of Things construction outline" (hereinafter referred to as the "construction outline") revealed that the company will through three years of hard work, by 2021 initially built the ubiquitous power Internet of things, basically achieve business collaboration and data penetration; Through another three years of improvement, the ubiquitous power Internet of Things will be built by 2024, and an energy Internet ecosystem of co-construction, co-governance and sharing will be fully formed.

Will realize the energy flow, business flow, data flow "three streams in one"

It is understood that the State Grid 2019 work will formulate a new development strategy, and will comprehensively promote the construction of "three types and two networks" world-class energy Internet enterprises. Among them, the "three types", that is, hub enterprises, platform enterprises, sharing enterprises, and "two networks" refer to the construction and operation of a strong smart grid and ubiquitous power Internet of Things. "Building a 'three-type' enterprise is an important starting point for building a world-class energy Internet enterprise, and building and operating a 'two-network' is an important material basis for building a world-class energy Internet enterprise." State Grid chairman Kou Wei stressed.

Compared with the smart grid, ubiquitous power Internet of Things is a new concept, Kou Wei pointed out in this regard, ubiquitous power Internet of things, is around all aspects of the power system, the full application of mobile Internet, artificial intelligence and other modern information technology, advanced communication technology, to achieve all aspects of the power system interconnection, human-computer interaction. The intelligent service system has the characteristics of comprehensive state perception, efficient information processing, convenient and flexible application, including the perception layer, the network layer, the platform layer and the application layer. "Strong smart grid and ubiquitous power Internet of Things, the two complement each other, integrated development, forming a strong value creation platform, together constitute the energy flow, business flow, data flow 'three streams in one' energy Internet." Kou Wei stressed.

It is understood that the State Grid has made a two-stage strategic arrangement to initially build the ubiquitous power Internet of Things by 2021, basically achieve business collaboration and data connectivity, and initially achieve unified iot management, and the integrated service platform of smart energy at all levels has basic functions to support the development of power grid business and emerging businesses; By 2024, the ubiquitous power Internet of Things will be built to fully realize business collaboration, data connectivity and unified iot management, and the company-level intelligent energy integrated service platform will have powerful functions, fully forming an energy Internet ecosystem of co-construction, co-governance and sharing.

Create greater opportunities for the development of more market players

The "Construction Outline" pointed out that the "ubiquitous Internet of things" refers to the information connection and interaction between any time, any place, anyone and anything, which is not only technological change, but also the improvement of management thinking and management concept innovation. "Ubiquitous Power iot" connects power users and their equipment, power grid enterprises and their equipment, power generation enterprises and their equipment, suppliers and their equipment, as well as people and things to generate shared data for users, power grids, power generation, suppliers and government social services; Take the power grid as the hub, play the role of platform and sharing, create greater opportunities for the development of the whole industry and more market players, and provide value services.

At the same time, the relevant people of the State grid said that the construction of the ubiquitous power Internet of Things has opened up a new road for safer power grid operation, leaner management, more accurate investment, and better service, and can give full play to the unique advantages of the power grid and open up the huge blue ocean market of the digital economy. Therefore, the construction of ubiquitous power Internet of Things is the core task of implementing the strategic goal of "three types, two networks, world class".

In the next step, the company will improve on the existing basis from four aspects: holographic perception, ubiquitous connection, open sharing, and fusion innovation. Specifically, on the one hand, the unconnected devices and customers are connected, the unconnected businesses are connected, and the unshared data is immediately shared, forming a cross-professional data sharing ecology; On the other hand, in order to prevent the "pipelining" of the power grid, the unique advantage resources such as power grid infrastructure and data are used to vigorously cultivate and develop emerging businesses and form core competitiveness at a new and higher level.

For the construction goal of the ubiquitous power Internet of Things, the "construction outline" points out that modern information technology and advanced communication technology such as the "big cloud Internet of Things intelligent chain" will be fully applied to achieve the interconnection of everything in all aspects of the power system and human-computer interaction, and internally achieve "one source of data, one map of the power grid, and one line of business."以上翻译结果来自有道神经网络翻译(YNMT)· 通用场景
