What is the Ubiquitous Electric Internet of Things?


In the power grid industry, or in the power industry, a word that has recently become popular is called ubiquitous power Internet of Things. As the name implies a wide range of existence, from this point of view, in the ubiquitous power plus the Internet of things the word, more precisely should be called the Internet of things in the ubiquitous energy, more extensive, expanding.

As early as 2016, "What is the national ubiquitous smart grid" was proposed at the 2018 Information and Communication Work Conference of the State Grid Corporation in February 2018 to build a full-service ubiquitous power Internet of things, build smart enterprises, and lead the construction of world-class energy Internet enterprises with excellent competitiveness. In October 2018, Huawei and Nanrui Xincom proposed IoT-G 230MHz to enable all-service ubiquitous power Internet of Things.

Before this, some scholars have given the basic structure and classification of blockchain, analyzed the technical advantages brought by blockchain for the development of the Internet of things, and proposed the typical application scenarios of blockchain + Internet of Things. So the ubiquitous power Internet of things can not be wrapped around the blockchain technology, with the distributed development of domestic distributed energy such as distributed wind power, photovoltaic power generation and other new energy, I believe that the introduction of blockchain technology is sooner or later.

For example, street lights, new energy vehicles, usually can be used as a kind of power application individual, if the realization of energy interconnection or power interconnection, coupled with the rapid development of Internet of things technology, energy storage technology and blockchain, these individuals are no longer a separate existence, but an important part of the widespread energy Internet.

The concept of the Internet of Things was first mentioned in 1998 by Kevin Ashton of MIT, who pointed to the application of RFID technology and other sensor technologies to everyday objects to construct an Internet of things. The Auto-ID center, led by Kevin Ashton the following year, provides a clearer picture of the applications of iot: using global RFID tags to wirelessly connect to the Internet, millions of items, from razor blades to euro notes to car tyres, can be tracked and audited on a continuous basis.

The power industry's understanding of the "Internet of Things" is that the Internet of Things is a network system that realizes the identification, perception, interconnection and control of power grid infrastructure, people and the environment in which they are located. Its essence is to realize the combination of various information sensing equipment and communication information resources (Internet, telecommunications network and even power communication private network), so as to form a physical entity with self-identification, perception and intelligent processing. The cooperation and interaction between entities make the relevant objects perceive and feedback each other, forming a more intelligent power production and living system. Thus derived from the ubiquitous smart grid - based on the communication technology of the all-service ubiquitous power iot - ubiquitous power iot concept.

The construction of the Internet of Things is also based on a large number of rich sensing terminals as nerve endings, a strong and reliable communication network as a robust body, and intelligent processing and control technology as a developed brain. To build a complete Internet of Things. It can be seen that the energy Internet (smart grid) should integrate communication, information, sensing, control and other technologies, and achieve reasonable application. Therefore, the two have a high degree of consistency and mutual learning significance in the realization of means, and finally form a universal energy Internet.
