Shoulder the mission, lift the spirit, roll up the sleeves and work hard -- NPC deputies talk about doing practical work


"Roll up your sleeves and work hard" "Diligent and responsible officer entrepreneurship" "promote development with hard work, win the future with hard work"...... In recent days, NPC deputies have offered good ideas and discussed development, vowing to bring the spirit of the meeting to all parts of the country and work together with hundreds of millions of people to implement all work.

Find the direction to work towards in the macro goal

The government work report set out many goals: "GDP growth of around 6.5%", "urban employment creation of more than 11 million", "per unit of GDP energy consumption by 3.4%"... Delegates draw their efforts from these macro goals.

"The report lists the revitalization of the real economy as one of the key tasks, which boosts everyone's confidence in the transformation and upgrading of the real economy and will inject strong impetus into the sustained and healthy development of the economy." Yuan Zhilun, a deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Boxai Mining Group, said that enterprises are the main body to revitalize the real economy, and we will adhere to the "four roads" - the road of innovation, the road of quality, the road of energy conservation and environmental protection, and the road of improving quality and efficiency.

Liu Baisheng, deputy to the National People's Congress and head of Kunming Railway Bureau, was impressed by the target of 800 billion yuan in railway construction investment this year. He said that the convenient transportation has brought new impetus to Yunnan's development. The next step is to continue to strengthen the construction of major projects such as rail transit, civil aviation and telecommunications infrastructure.

According to the government work report, steel production capacity will be reduced by about 50 million tons this year. Hebei is the main battlefield of steel production capacity reduction, is expected to reduce steel production capacity of 31.86 million tons this year. "This is a tough battle. It's a bone to heal." Meng Lanzhi, a deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Hebei Tianzhu Iron and Steel Group Co., LTD., said that their next step is to make H-shaped steel stronger, more efforts in innovation and transformation, and further enhance the scientific and technological content of enterprises.

Cao Jing, a technical worker and chief skills trainer of Shaanxi Faust Automobile Transmission Group Company, said: "Our technical workers are like a small gear, which plays a significant role in the operation of large machines in the manufacturing industry. 'The soul of quality, in the ingenuity', as long as we are very good 'mesh', good operation, will create a strong impetus to promote the 'Made in China 2025' goal."

Countless small goals are merging into the flood of big goals, all the way forward.

Write excellent times answer sheets

Adhere to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, promote supply-side structural reform, and rely on innovation to promote the transformation of old and new growth drivers... Around these topics, the delegates exchanged ideas and found ways and means to make breakthroughs.

Before the two sessions, Liu Baosheng, a deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of CSIC Sail Co., LTD., ended more than 10 days of foreign inspection. "This time to see what the best technology is internationally. As a leading company, we must rely on technology to lead, if there is no advance layout, early structural adjustment, it is impossible to occupy the market." He said that in the next step, enterprises should study and make good use of the current big data, Internet and other resources, innovate and lead, and further adjust the structure to improve the quality.

Supply-side structural reform is a revolution of its own. We need to promote structural adjustment through reform, stimulate internal driving forces and create an external environment.

Ming Jinghua, Secretary of the Party Committee of Wuyun Town, Ganxian County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, combined with the structural reform of the agricultural supply side, talked about ways to increase the income of vegetable farmers: on the one hand, cultivate new varieties with more market competitiveness; On the other hand, improve the quality of supply and produce more green, high-quality and safe vegetables. "This year, we will explore the development of e-commerce delivery services for vegetables in the city area, and organic vegetables' membership 'sales model."

Wang Chang, deputy to the National People's Congress and director of the Hebei SASAC, said that after the pilot reform of state-owned enterprises was pushed forward, the Hebei SASAC tailored reform plans for different enterprises. Tangshan Sanyou Group authorized to delegate power, and some scientific and technological enterprises engaged in personal shareholding pilot. "The next step is to intensify efforts to deepen reform, better leverage the role of the market and unleash economic vitality."

Win a better future with hard work

Improve infrastructure and public services, promote the development of characteristic industries, and promote the integration of agriculture-related funds in poor counties... Yao Minhe, a deputy to the National People's Congress and secretary of the General Party Branch of Linxi Village, Linxi Town, Jixi County, Anhui Province, was deeply excited about the measures in the report: "The key to precise poverty alleviation should be clearly targeted, and the next step is to make the special funds for poverty alleviation, industrial projects, social resources and market demand, and poverty alleviation needs effectively docking, truly helping the poor people to pull out the 'root' and remove the 'trapped source'."

Duan Xiuying, a delegate from the Lisu Autonomous Prefecture of Nujiang, Yunnan Province, said, "The quality of the population is a key factor in the poverty and backwardness of border ethnic areas
