People's Daily editorial: Achieving Mission with hard work and holding up dreams - Warm congratulations on the successful conclusion of the fifth session of the 12th National People's Congress


-- Warm congratulations on the successful conclusion of the fifth session of the 12th National People's Congress

The fifth session of the 12th National People's Congress successfully completed the agenda and concluded successfully in Beijing. This is a gathering of wisdom and people's hearts, this is a clean, pragmatic and efficient conference. The participants uphold a high sense of responsibility and mission, speak for the people, perform their duties with dedication, and write a new chapter in democracy, unity, truth-seeking and forging ahead. We extend warm congratulations on the success of the conference.

The meeting fully recognized the work of various State organs over the past year.  Deputies carefully listened to and deliberated the work report of the NPC Standing Committee and the "Two high-level" work report, deliberated and adopted various relevant motions, which fully reflected the common aspirations of the people of all ethnic groups in China and generated strong positive energy for advancing the cause of the Party and the country.

The law is an important tool in governing the country, and good laws are the prerequisite for good governance. It is the long-cherished wish of generations of new China to compile a civil code that meets the reality and needs of our country. An important outcome of the conference was the adoption of the General Provisions of the Civil Law. The deputies agreed that the general provisions of the Civil Law not only adhere to the problem-oriented, but also respect the law of legislation; It not only respects the historical continuity of civil legislation, but also ADAPTS to the objective requirements of current economic and social development; It is of great significance to inherit China's excellent legal culture tradition and learn from the beneficial experience of foreign legislation for the improvement of the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics. We believe that the promulgation of the General Provisions of Civil Law will lay a solid foundation for the compilation of a civil code based on China's reality, facing China's problems, showing Chinese characteristics and having Chinese style.

Looking ahead to the future situation and tasks, we are at a critical stage of climbing uphill. To adapt to the new normal of leading economic development and promote supply-side structural reform, we need to face many risks, challenges and deep-seated problems. Danger is not enough to fear, but courage and perseverance.  We must uphold the organic unity of Party leadership, the role of the people as masters of the country, and law-based governance, give full play to the political advantages of the system of people's congresses, ensure coordinated and efficient functioning of state organs, gather the strength of the people of all ethnic groups in the country, and provide a strong institutional guarantee for steady and healthy economic development and social harmony and stability.

Law and order, democracy and vitality. Standing at the forefront of the construction of socialist democracy and the rule of law, we should strengthen legislation in key areas, deepen scientific and democratic legislation, ensure that good laws promote development and ensure good governance, or strive to improve the quality of legislation, adhere to the coordination of the rule of law and reform, and provide legal guarantee for reform, development and stability. Whether it is adhering to the principle that the whole country should play a key role, exercising correct and effective oversight in strict accordance with statutory functions and powers and legal procedures, and promoting the law-based administration and fair administration of justice by the people's Procuratorates and the people's Procuratorates, or adhering to a problem-oriented approach, identifying the focus of strengthening oversight, and promoting solutions to hot and difficult issues of common concern to the people, and striving to ensure that the people have their voice and they have their role to play. The NPC and local people's congresses at all levels have much to do. Upholding the Party's leadership as the most fundamental guarantee for socialist democracy and the rule of law, and upholding the people's position as the fundamental political position, no matter how complex the situation, no matter how arduous the task, we have the confidence to firmly hold the destiny of the country and the nation in the hands of the people themselves, and win new achievements in reform and development with new progress in democracy and the rule of law.

This year is an important year for the implementation of the 13th Five-Year Plan. It is also the last year of the term of the current National People's Congress and its Standing Committee. There are many problems that need in-depth study, proper responses, and joint efforts to overcome difficulties. Mission is important to bear, hard work creates brilliance.
